uses of props in photography

when we walk into any restaurant, we look forward to having a good time, it is not only the delicious food served but the overall ambiance that matters. The same goes for photography, to create story, drama, the ambiance in the photographs other than the subject we require light, background, and props. It is the expertise of the photographers how they use these three things to create unique pictures. Props and backgrounds add character/interest in the photo, props used should be related to the story or theme of the picture and should create value to the picture. one unrelated prop or its wrong placement will have a negative effect on the picture.

what can be used as props? it can be anything inexpensive available around you for an example flower vase, book, pen, chair, etc or something which is uniquely designed and created for a particular frame like theme setups for wedding photography, baby photography like the bed, bench, baskets.

Simple props can be created by DIY, frequently used inexpensive ones can be purchased. The bigger expensive photo props would be advisable to rent it from prop shops. spending money on hundreds of props and backgrounds doesn’t make sense since you will not be using them regularly, storage space and maintenance may also be an issue.

If you are an established photographer with a good amount of work and money flowing in, you can get your props custom designed to create that uniqueness in your pictures.if you are just starting off with your photographic career, don’t want to spend a huge amount then consider taking them on rent. click on the link below for buying and renting option of background and props:-